Thank you for visiting to learn how you can show your prospective doners how they can donate to your charitable cause, fund raiser, social club, school or church using funds that do not come directly out of their pocket.
Don't you think those who are wanting to support your cause would be even more eager to donate and to donate more generously if they knew the funds they would donate will not be coming out of their pocket?
As a legal disclaimer, we are not attempting to give any advice regarding the payment of taxes because we are not qualified to do so. Always consult with your certified tax person regarding matters of taxes. However, we can state with certainty and as you will soon see, that although the funds you would donate will not come directly out of your pocket, they could still be an advantage to you at tax time.
Wheather you choose to donate to my project or not, you can participate in the program I am about to share with you and potentially earn funds from which you can donate to any cause of your choosing as the funds will be yours to do with as you please. By making donations out of these funds to any cause, you will in effect be donating funds that will not have come directly out of your pocket, but from your participation in the program!
The name of the company behind the program I am referring to is VYB. The letters form the acronym for "Visualizing Your Breakthrough." The VYB program is essentially a movement that is focused upon bringing financial change to the lives of people who desire it and who are willing to share the movement with others.
Let's face it, millions of people today are in need of a financial breakthrough.
Many are living paycheck to paycheck and they often reach the end of their money before reaching the end of the month. Some are stressed out working a job that they have no passion for, but they see no other way to provide for their families. Others may own a business, but it's on the verge of failing because the needed funds to scale up their business aren't in view. All of these situations could possibly be rectified if those affected by them could only see a way out.
The amount of funds that you could potentially earn simply by implementing the steps I am about share with you can range from $1815 monthly up to $442,860 monthly. No, that is not a misprint.
This unprecedented amount of income is only one of the five income streams being offered within the VYB program.
There are currently 58,217 registrants in the USA and in 160+ foreign countries since it began on December 26, 2024! This figure increases almost every hour by 15 to 25 registrants daily. You'd be safe to say that it's a modern day Gold Rush. The industry's pay plan is the very reason why so many are becoming a part of this movement in such staggering numbers.
The company is set to officially launch on February 17th of this year. Basically, this is how you can give your prospective doners an attractive incentive to donate to your cause. They will be more eager to donate when they know the funds they donate won't come directly out of their pocket and they will in the process be enhancing their own lives financially!
As you can see, by participating in the VYB movement, everyone wins! Anyone of adult age can participate which can lead to the acquisition of an abundance which they can use to support any cause of their choosing in a most meaningful way. As the commercial goes, "It's your money, use it as you please."
VYB is built on the idea of people helping people. By participating you'll be positioning yourself to receive enough funds that will enable you to donate to my Beaumont TX charities and help other who are in need while improving your own economic status. Most importantly, these donated funds would not have come out of your pocket but from the pockets of VYB
Visit here for more information on the company.
I am Solomon Price of Beaumont TX. I am 76 years young, married for 56 years and the wife and I reared six adorable children. By the grace of God they continue to make us proud parents. I am an happy independent Affiliate of the VYB movement. .
Each participant is expected to purchase the $25 VYB Introductory Kit and a monthly product subscription. The cost this subscription will be announced prior to launch day and will be under $200. It would appear to indicate that the owners of VYB have shown themselves to be leaders with integrity given that this unanounced product costand has not in any way impeded the hundreds of registrations that continue to pour in daily.
If you wish to be compensated only the $1815 monthly for a yet to be anounced number of months, you can easily accomplish it by simply purchasing a product subscription. Everyone loves passive income, right? I mean, you need not share the VYB opportunity with anyone and you'll still potentially earn $1815 monthly for an established number of months that your upgrade is current and there are a minimum of 336 upgraded Affiliates below with current product subscriptions.
Those registering now during pre-launch are automatically positioning themselves to be above this minimum of 336.
Of course you have the privilege to scale up your earnings by simply sharing with others this cool and potentially lucrative method of donating funds that doesn't come out of their pocket and as they become a part of your VYB team, they will want to scale up the amount they can receive by sharing VYB with others.
By simply implementing the easy steps below, you can begin accumulating funds that will allow you to donate to my Beaumont TX charities using funds that doesn't come directly out of your pocket!
1. Click here to register free as this will place you above the 1000's who will register after you.
2. Be prepared to submit your $25 and monthly subscription product costs when the company begins accepting upgrades.
3. If you don't have the Telegram app on your mobile device, download it from the Play Store or where ever you get you apps. You will need it to stay informed about the company's upcoming launch on February 17th.
4. If you have decided that you want to receive as much of the projected $442,860 as you possibly can, simply share your cool method of donating without using funds that comes out of your pocket with as many others as you can. Sharing the VYB of love and generosity can be quite rewarding.
Because of the generosity of the VYB owners, you can virtually turn a $200 monthly product purchase into an $1815 MONTHLY PAYCHECK! That's a potential $5445 over a 3-month period from a mere $200 product purchase! Where else can you receive a 807.5% return on $200 even if for one month!
Meet Two of the Owners of VYB
Oh, BTW, don't forget to donate whatever heart felt amount you wish to one or more of my Beaumont TX charties listed below when you begin to receive your VYB blessings.
5.Visit here to learn more about the VYB compensation plan.
If you have so kindly decided to support my Beaumont TX charities using this ingenious and profitable method, allow me to extend to you my most joyous gratitude. I thank you very, very much and may God blessings continue to be yours.
Solomon Price, PSIS,LLC, 409-659-7227,